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Powerful and Authentic Social Studies (PASS): A Teacher Training Institute


Powerful and Authentic Social Studies (PASS): A Teacher Training Institute

Powerful and Authentic Social Studies (PASS) is a professional development program that trains social studies teachers in curriculum design, assessment, and instruction in a standards-based environment. This institute will provide participants with the materials and expertise necessary to lead their own PASS training workshops in their schools and school districts. Participants will learn about PASS criteria and standards for curriculum design, assessment construction, and effective instruction. In small learning communities, participants will examine videotaped K-12 vignettes of teaching and create examples of curriculum units and assessment tasks to share with their learning community.

PASS materials consist of two videos or DVDs, a general manual outlining PASS principles, and specialized manuals for different grade levels. There are three different PASS sets-elementary, middle, and high school. Participants will receive a free PASS set at the level of their choice (value: $279.00), and deep discounts will be offered on other sets.

PASS is an effective means of training pre-service, as well as in-service, teachers. This institute will interest NCSS members at all educational levels.

Joseph A. Braun, Jr. serves as the coordinator of professional development for the NCSS and is professor emeritus of Education at Illinois State University. He is also a past member of the NCSS Board of Directors. He will be happy to answer questions at 831-869-9865 (phone) or (e-mail).

Historic Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, CA, will host the institute from July 27-31, 2009. The cost is $675, which includes snacks and lunch during the institute, PASS training materials, and continuing education credit. Other meals and hotel accommodations are not included. The closest hotel to the university is Candlewood Suites (408-241-9305).

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